In Memory of





Condolence From: DIBA BOT-ROCHE
Condolence: Emily (Maya, Rylan and Nate) We are so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. It's hard to lose your mother no matter how old you are. As times goes on, you'll be reminded of her in many small ways through your children. Embrace them. Sending you lots of hugs. Diba, Eamon and Family.
Saturday July 23, 2016
Condolence From: Wade Phibbs
Condolence: So sorry to hear of Mary's death. Many memories from years past. Lots of laughter, jokes, fun and food. May these memories sustain you in these sad times. Our deepest thoughts and prayers to Dick, Sarah, Adam, Emily and families. Wade Phibbs and family
Friday July 22, 2016
Condolence From: Bob M
Condolence: I first met Mary one summer evening in the early 1960s at a rawther high-class, camp-upper-crust, post-camper-bedtime gathering at Blackie and Nora Blackstock’s cedar Panabode on the Maz. An unknown tall willowy grin approached me from across the crowded room ---- (‘sidled up’ would be a better description) --- hand extended forward prettily from her dainty wrist, in an immaculate white glove ---and asked -- rather saucily but impeccably ----- “Hmmmm-mister! Pardon my intrusion. I’m Mary McKinely. The camp’s new novitiate to the Mazinaw’s Women’s Order this year. Normally we of the MWO are required to partake in separate dining quarters, but tonite is my last night before I must take the “summer chastity vows”. “You look like companionship is sorely lacking for you here ….. Could I interest you in a glass of sherry?” Taken aback --- thoroughly intrigued by this fascinating woman on one hand and fearing a linguistic trap on the other--- I replied as carefully as I could under the circumstances: “ Ms McKinley m’dear. We have not actually been properly introduced. I’m not too sure how to respond. But if I may be so bold as to inquire …. with your permission of course, …. Exactly how interesting would you be in that glass of sherry?” Thus began two decades of laughter --- never ever ending laughter --- between Mary and me ---- at Camp Maz --- in Oshawa – in Toronto --- at my cottage on Buck Lake --- and on the phone. Never-ending puns, double-triple-entendres, from liguistic fencing to political sastire to subject matters far too raunchy to mention in an obituary A mind so sharp and so so funny! I have missed those mirth –filled conversations with Mary for far too many years … and now they’re gone for good. Wherever it is we go afterwards, I hope for Mary it is peaceful, trouble-free, and full of good literature and endless laughter. Bob
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Condolence From: Cindy Kurhan
Condolence: Dick, I just heard through the Dr. C. F. Cannon grapevine of Mary's passing. I am so sorry to hear this. May the many joyous memories you have made together sustain you, and make you smile, until you meet again. My deepest condolences, Cindy Kurhan (Howard)
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Condolence From: Nicola Forde
Condolence: Emily, I am very sad to hear about the passing of your mother. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. May she rest in peace.
Tuesday July 19, 2016
Condolence From: Rev Judith Oliver
Condolence: Dear Rick & Carol On behalf of the chaplains of Northern Waters Presbytery, I would like to extend to you and all your family our warmest and sincere sympathies on the passing of a beloved sister. Seems we all receive a different time-line in this earthly life...I trust her memories will give you reassurance of the love we share as family and as people of faith. God give you comfort and peace, and hold you close. In Jesus love, Judith Oliver (Karen & Sandra). A little postscript ...I am currently on vacation in the Mediterranean (Malta) so cannot attend. God bless you.
Tuesday July 19, 2016