
Cynthia Perks
In Memory of
Cynthia Lillian
Perks (White)
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Armstrong Funeral Home Limited
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Sue Hillebrand and Greg Murchison
Condolence: Rob, Through your beautiful memories of Sam, she will live on in your heart. Our most sincere condolences. She truly was one of a kind. And boy, was she dependable. I think in all the time she looked after Caitlyn she only missed a couple of days once because she had somehow injured herself. And you always had the patience of Job waiting in the driveway for her as she told me yet another story. And whatever might be happening or whatever she might be talking about, there was always a smile behind her words. We truly will never forget you Sam!
Thursday April 09, 2015
Condolence From: Dan Rudka
Condolence: Dear Bob and Family,
Through all the past years memories of the Perks family have stayed a vivid part of my life. So long ago, so many memories, opportunities, that will never be forgotten and over time have been a influence as to whom I have become in life. I had been mentored well, by good people.
I was very saddened to hear of your wife, Cynthia's, passing. I hope that you can find the same strength at this time that she provided through all your years together.
Sadly, missed but never to be forgotten. My deepest condolences.
Dan Rudka
Wednesday April 08, 2015
Condolence From: Caitlyn Murchison
Condolence: Sam, I will miss you every day, you were there for me from the beginning, through the ups and downs, for almost eighteen years. I'll always remember our after school chats over cheese and crackers, how you used to pick out my kids clothes in as much purple as possible, how you taught me how to print and always had a kleenex up your sleeve, and most of all: your silly names-- ratfink--what is that?
I will always love and miss you(and so will Meka), and Rob we love you too, if you ever want to talk, I sincerely would love to spend some time with you.

Love Caitlyn
Wednesday April 08, 2015
Condolence From: Paul Johnson (grandson)
Condolence: Nana you were definitely a one of a kind lady. There is so much I will remember you for but most of all I will remember you for your love, laughter, how wonderfully funny you were, how you were always supportive, and also how much of a dirty old lady you were and how much fun you had with it. I will always remember you with the greatest of fondness and my heart will always be less full because you are not here.
Love you always.
Monday April 06, 2015
Condolence From: Bill and Heather Peter
Condolence: Very sad news to hear. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Bob and family at this sad time
Bill and Heather Peter
Friday April 03, 2015
Condolence From: Rod and Nancy Brocanier
Condolence: Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Rod and Nancy
Thursday April 02, 2015
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