
Louise Rundle
In Memory of
Rundle (Pearce)
1923 - 2017
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Armstrong Funeral Home Limited
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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The old grey mare

My name is Kayla and I got the privilege to take care of Louise Rundle for 4 years as her psw. Throughout these years we shared many laughs and smiles together . Louise had a very unique sense of humour and loveable personality. She would always be the one to point out if I had any mismatched socks on or if my clothing wasn't matching . She's the reason I started wearing proper socks that actually match ! She always had witty remarks to certain questions I would ask her . Whenever I asked her how she was feeling she would answer back "with my fingers " and we would both have a good chuckle about that everytime . Her favourite saying was " the old grey mare she ain't what she used to be ". Whenever she would start to say it I would say it with her at the same time and we would both laugh . I will cherish our good times and laughs forever and will miss Louise dearly ! She was like family to me and I'm happy I got to know both her and Cynthia .
Posted by Kayla
Sunday February 19, 2017 at 10:06 am
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