
Elizabeth Whitehead
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Armstrong Funeral Home Limited
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Kathy
Condolence: My dear Rebecca. You know I have been thinking of you!!!! Today will be a difficult day for you and I wish I could be there. I know you are hurting. Try through the tears to celebrate the joy your Mom brought to you! I wish you strength and I hope many hugs come your way to keep you warm.
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Condolence From: Andrea Marconi
Condolence: My Dear Renee, It saddens me to write this condolence message again as I'm not sure you received my first email to you personally, on the morning of hearing of your moms passing. My thoughts originally where to be able to come to the service for your mom. Today it's just not possible to be in two places at once or I would be there holding your hand today. The tribute to your mom, sharing treasured times with your family, will bring some comfort for all that surrounds you. May the light of her memory look down over you in the coming weeks and I will make some time to share a tribute to her with you when things have settled a bit. Pat had a mass said for your mom last week at his church in his small town in Alberta. The Priest there is from Michael Power High School. The rain today falls outside as the tears do when writing you this message...I am so sorry I couldn't make it today for a number of different reasons it's not possible to make the trip. I will plant a garden in my new home when we finally move for all who passed this year, your mom included so that they will be remembered. Just name her flower and the colour! I will speak with you over the next couple days as I'm sure you have been busy. Sending Lizzy, your sister Becky, and Yourself a big hug from me. May your loving Mom rest in peace with your Dad. Those pictures of them on their wedding day are priceless. Talk with you soon, Andrea M.
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Condolence From: Marlene Sivell
Condolence: Our thoughts and prayers are with and your family during this difficult time. May you find confort in the memories of the fun times you and your mom shared together and the fact she is no longer suffering, she is finally at peace and resting. Marlene
Tuesday May 28, 2013
Condolence From: Renee
Condolence: Renee,
Im really sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you. All my love Suzie England-Hall
Monday May 27, 2013
Condolence From: Karen Rossall
Condolence: Auntie Betty, we were kindred spirits and I will cherish our relationship forever. I miss you so much and until we meet again, I will carry you in my heart forever. All my love Karen (and of course, Wayne, Sara and Charles).
Monday May 27, 2013
Condolence From: Goody
Condolence: With my condolences and prayers.
I can see from the photos that your mom really loves to hug people. God bless her soul.

Monday May 27, 2013
Condolence From: Paula
Condolence: I hope knowing that your friends are here for you gives you the strength you need to help get you through this very difficult time. Your devotion and love for your mum is an inspiration to us all. Hug Lizzy for us! XOXO
Sunday May 26, 2013
Condolence From: Gemma
Condolence: Renee,
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thinking of you, Lizzy and your family.
Friday May 24, 2013
Condolence From: Jennifer Campbell
Condolence: Renee, my deepest condolences to you and your family on loss of your Mom. Just know that she is resting in peace and without pain and as time goes on the pain will lessen. Also know that she will always be your "best friend"
Friday May 24, 2013
Condolence From: Chrissie Flynn
Condolence: Dear Renee, my heart and thoughts are with you every moment of every day since I found out that your dear mom passed. I will be here for you in support and to spend time talking to you and anything else you may need. Sending you warm hugs and I will try to get to see you at the funeral if it is at all possible. If not, we will share a glass of wine together in her memory. xoxo Chrissie
Friday May 24, 2013

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